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Hasfeldt release party feat. Anton Falck // Francesca Burattelli + DJs

Multidisciplinary artist Martin Jon Hasfeldt (Posh Isolation, Janushoved) releases new single ‘Rest of my life' alongside music video on hyped new label REAL LIVE. Oscillation between nostalgia and technology runs in parallel throughout Hasfeldt’s artistic practice and is ever-so present on his new single. On ‘Rest of my life’ ghostly ambient pads lay the groundwork for breakbeats and a mournful, introspective sampled vocal which lulls the listener into a feeling of gloom. As the rhythm section breaks out of the float with a lounge-style 4/4 bass drum, the now utterly heartfelt vocal sample signals a ray of hope. Even though your trails stick to you for the rest of your life, rest assured. Brighter times are ahead.In the song's music video, a faceless dancer enters an empty dance hall. Frantic camera movements show the equally frenetic dance moves, almost evoking an abstract version of the warehouse scenefrom Footloose. The video is created by artist Julie Koldby. Hasfeldt is an intriguing figure in the Copenhagen art scene, known for his multidisciplinary approach that spans performance, visual arts, and innovative sound productions. His work can be broadly defined by interference of fields. Of genres and media, of real life samples and real life experiences. His contributions to the Copenhagen music scene include releases on notable labels such as Posh Isolation and Janushoved, culminating in his debut album on the new label REAL LIVE. His performances have garnered attention for their unique adaptability to various spaces, including significant venues like Roskilde Cathedral and Copenhagen Contemporary, as well as more intimate locations in legendary spots such as Cafe Oto and Mayhem.


A ghostly perfume is seeping through the cracks of pop culture as Anton Falck, best known as the magnetic frontman of Copenhagen’s synth-pop duo First Hate, steps out, and into the flickering glow of his own singular vision. Falck Embodies equal parts elusive unicorn and candid storyteller. With a voice that is fragile yet defiant. His live performance is a séance, or communion, conjuring the beauty of lives lived on the fringes of convention.

Scratching down his deeply personal narratives into something that feels like love letters to the unattainable, Falck explores themes of beauty, rejection, and self-reinvention with poetic precision and humor. Guided by his innate ability to transform longing into melody, the music moves between raw vulnerability and shimmering euphoria, inviting the listener into a world where desire is a source of power rather than pain.

“Music to me, means searching for a connection and not looking away”


Italienske Francesca Burattelli har de seneste år etableret sig på den danske eksperimenterende musikscene med sin særegne avant garde popmusik. Francescas unikke vokal er det bærende element i hendes praksis, hvor det orkestrale og pop mødes i et elektronisk univers, med stor udtryksmæssig spændevidde. Hun trækker den syditalienske lyd og sangtradition ind i sine kompositioner, og skaber et surrealistisk, drømmende og uncanny univers, som ofte akkompagneres af et stærkt performativt element.

I sommeren 2022 udkom albummet Battle Fatigue på label Anyines, og nu er en ny udgivelse på vej i 2025. Denne nye rejse vil videre udfolde stemmens facetter i fragmenterede elektroniske scenarier og i højere grad morfe Burattellis rødder i et nyt kunstnerisk spektrum.


13. februar


15. februar

Vejslev/ Brunbjerg/ Elhøj - Vinterjazz