On Saturday the 20th of April we’ll be celebrating the release of ‘envelope follower’, the new album by Messell.
‘envelope follower’ is an enormously dynamic work, where a little sound heard in the background suddenly grows larger and takes over the entire track, where one element’s sonic evolution affects the journey of other sounds. The music carries a melancholic depth and resides in a fluctuating drone between sorrow and hope.Messell has let the properties of the sound sources affect each other in a kind of closed, generative system. The music has arisen in a matrix of LFO-carried chains, envelope followers, granular synths and side chains.
The evening will feature performances by Heva Vaupel, Nova Varnrable, Grammar of Movement, and Messell himself.Hope to see you there! Love,
Artwork by Christian Kingo
Kl. 20.00
Forsalg 80 kr: https://billetto.dk/e/envelope-follower-release-messell-heva-vaupel-nova-varnrable-grammar-of-movement-billetter-961614