PRiMi PoPuP – PiO Evening Extraordinaire

PRiMi PoPuP – PiO evening Extraordinaire is an event taking place at salen in Christianshavns Beboerhus on September 12th from 20:00.

We’ve had other PoPuPs, but for the time being we want to present PiO at each and out of pure excitement about the orchestra, we even decided to make it PiO evening Extraordinaire with musicians from the group playing in different constellations – stay tuned for updates – after the large ensemble has played, making the evening a bouquet of improvised music for the audience.

Evening Program
20:00: PiO
21:00 Extraordinaire

Pio is a new group based on the musicians who organize PRiM, but extending far beyond those. We want to establish a large orchestra in Copenhagen that works with improvisation, like it is found in many of the larger cities in the EU.
Morten Carlsen, PJ Fossum, Rosanna Lorenzen, Lone Meinich, Peter Ole Jørgens, Sven Meinild, Halfdan Stefansson, Francesco Bigoni, Jonathan Aardestrup and Lorenzo Colocci.

New constellations of PiO members with musicians inside or outside the group.
– Updates will follow –

Kl. 20

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