Cinema Sessions is a series dedicated to bringing together improvising musicians and artists filling the space in Copenhagen of a public and open session that embraces the spirit of improvisation in all forms. It will be in Christianshavn Beboerhusets cinema room. There will be two sets from 20.00 and the session will start at 21.00. We will put together semi-random groups that will have a maximum of 10 minutes to play together. If you are participating in the session, the entrance is free.
Come one, come all with your instruments, tools, technology, bodies, and whatever else you can use to improvise together.
Set 1. Alba The Kid
Don’t know what she’s doing here. she’s actually just a kid. World premiering her self-hacked CD-players.
Set 2. Colocci/Goffault/Fossum
Grooving, electronic, fuckery
Kl. 20
Entré 50