Come celebrate music and friendship with this colorful space jazz emo band ALIGAGA. They are a Copenhagen/Brussels-based crossover project that makes you laugh and cry and dance. The first release concert of their compassionate new album “Music Might Help” is gonna be here in Christianshavns Beboerhuset for you!
Fem musikere, der kommer fra fjerne egne af Europa og har kendt hinanden siden deres tid på konservatoriet. I deres fælles lejlighed i Maastricht mødtes de efter universitetet for at jamme og udvikle nye idéer – hvilket resulterede i fødslen af ALIGAGA i 2014. Siden deres første møder har de været på udkig efter en ny fri måde at spille på, hvor der er plads til at tvivl, paradokser og tolerancer kan slå sig ned. Som lyd- og rytmeudforskere skaber de eklektiske melodier, som kommer til gehør på de fem albums, de har indspillet til dato. I deres nyeste projekt “Music Might Help” genopliver de nogle af deres gamle musikalske påvirkninger og lader dem smelte sammen med deres fælles erfaringer for at nære skabelsen af et album, der som et filmisk puslespil er sprængfyldt med spontanitet, stemmer, pulserende energier, farver og kreativitet.
Hailing from the far corners of Europe, these five musicians have known each other since their days at the conservatory. In their shared flat in Maastricht, they met after university to jam and develop new music. In the magic of this time, ALIGAGA was born in 2014. Since their first meetings as an ensemble they have been searching for the way to a free way of playing, where doubts, tolerance and paradoxes find their place and are allowed to settle in. As sound and rhythm explorers, they create eclectic melodies, as evidenced by the five albums they have recorded to date. In their new project “Music Might Help” they revive their sense of research, in which the experiences, perceptions and perspectives of each musician nourish the creation of an album that, like a cinematographic puzzle, is bursting with spontaneity, voices, pulsating energies, colors and creativity.
Federico Corsini – double bass and voice
Jon Sensmeier – alto saxophone
Joos Vandueren – tenor saxophone
Leonard Steigerwald – piano, synthesizer, voice
Daniel Jonkers – drums
presave the singles:
The record will for sale at the concert!
Jaya Jaqi
Inspired by andean folklore surrounding the cycle of death and life manifested in the shape of a caring woman, Jaya Jaqi invites the listeners to an intimate, performative concert – a place of rest, where poetic Spanish/Aymara lyrics intertwine accompanied by acoustic guitar, charango and woodwinds.
Jaya Jaq’i is a latinoamerican duo consisting of bolivian singer and flute player Flavia Huarachi in collaboration with Brasilian guitarist & singer Raphael Gimenes.
Pris: 70/100kr
Dør: kl. 19.30 / Første koncert: kl. 20.00