SLIM0 release of “LIFESPAN” + xx.ed

Having lived a little already, given birth to new life, lost loved ones and longing for longevity, SLIM0’s 2023 release “Lifespan” portrays themes of life before midlife.

Listening to the EP is like walking back and forth through an MTV dream: On a backdrop of heavy drums kitsch meets catchy, warm hues simulating stadium music of the late 80’s, merge with ruff grunge riffs, indie rock melodies and vocal harmonies. Looking back whilst looking ahead, SLIM0 paints a musical landscape with textures and sounds that all together make up a timeless and sentimental atmosphere.

Lifespan” is like a long lost tape from a time that has yet to exist.

A time capsule would probably be an appropriate term for this release, which, more than pointing in a new direction, rather encapsulates a time where SLIM0 has functioned as a quartet.

All songs are recorded and mastered by Marcus Ferreria at No Master’s Voice. SLIM0 2023

After the concert Local Superstar xx.ed will DJ and provide tunes for the dancefloor. 

Kl. 20
Forsalg 90 kr:


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